Day 8
Silver City, NM to Tucson, AZ
The next morning we were ready to make our way to Tucson. The drive was smooth an rather uneventful, which was relaxing! Our first stop was at the Shakespeare Ghost Town. I am a sucker for old, deserted, and odd places. This was perfect! We drove a narrow dirt road to get there - yes, with T@bolino. We had no idea of whether we were going to be able to turn around…. but we did it anyway. Luckily yes, we were able to turn around. The ghost town consists of several buildings such as a tavern, apothecary, blacksmith, and post office. There is also a closed off mine. It was fun to wander around and look inside the different buildings.
IOnce we got to Tucson, we actually drove right into the historic area downtown. That is a major advantage of having such a small trailer! We have driven through some pretty crazy places - those stories can be found on other pages (hint: watch for the south to north trip). n the historic downtown area we visited an artisan mall that features local art. I could have spent a week in there and spent a fortune because everything was so awesome! However, since we always have Whisky and Brandy with us, the shopping spree was cut short. I did manage to get a small vase though! I don’t know what tribe it is from since it doesn’t have any markings, but I love it! The mall has so much to offer and is definitely worth a stop. It is on my list for our next trip as well.
From there we headed to the Pima Air and Space Museum. This is a museum full of old planes as well as a huge boneyard. There are about 400 planes to look at here. Luckily dogs are allowed as well! We started indoors first. There is a huge hangar full of planes to admire. Of course, right in the middle, Whisky decided she had to pee. Just like little kids I guess. Once we had that taken care of, we went out to the boneyard. There are so many planes that it is impossible to take it all in at once. For those of you interested in aviation, this is a really cool place to visit. It is really amazing to stand under one of these huge planes and get a grasp on how big they really are. Very impressive!
From here we headed to the campground which is out of town in the hills. We passed numerous saguaro cacti on the way. They are so cool! There were also several at the campground. We stayed at the Desert Trails RV Park. Pets are allowed but no kids. That is an interesting twist! The campground was very quiet and clean and we can really recommend staying here. I was hoping that it would be dark enough for stargazing, but the other campers had a lot of lights on. All in all, it was awesome though! The evening was spent with, you guessed it, a bottle of wine while enjoying the sunset.
In the morning we went for a walk around the campground before heading out again. We came across a bird that was watching us. So I started watching it back. Yeah, that bird didn’t think that was too amusing and came after me! After doing some research I figure it was some kind of falcon. That was an unexpected experience!