Day 2
Montgomery, AL to Holden, LA
If you are our age, you must remember the Dukes of Hazzard! As a teenager, Bo Duke was of course my favorite! Who would have ever guessed that we would be camping at John Schneider’s place and that we would actually get to meet him.
After leaving Montgomery, AL, we headed towards Louisiana. Shortly before reaching Baton Rouge we stopped in Holden where John Schneider has his studio. There were a few other campers there and we were happy to have the opportunity to stay! The studios are on over 100 acres and there are all kinds of props to look at.
After we set up our campsite for the night, we wandered around the property with the dogs. There is so much to see and we only managed to check out the things in the main area. There is a theater in a barn, a beautiful pool, lots of cool places to sit and watch what is going on, and several cars that were used (and still are) in movies. Since it was evening, we grabbed our table and chairs and set up a picnic in the field by the campsite area. It didn’t take long until John showed up in his golf cart and introduced himself. What a nice gesture! And yes, he is still very good looking! We got to chat a while and then he was off to film for his new movie, Poker Run. Right in front of where we had set up our table, John and his crew were filming a car chase along a dirt road. How fun it was to watch! We had a great evening there. If you are a fan, I can highly recommend spending a weekend there. They have Airbnb cabins that can be rented.
Since we still had a lot of driving ahead of us, we got an early start the next morning.