Day 5
Pecan Valley, TX to Carlsbad, NM
Day 5 was rather uneventful and drab. The drive through the remainder of Texas seemed like it would never end! Geez! Texas is huge! The day consisted of driving through hot, windy, and sandy conditions with huge flat fields of dust along with more construction sites. Initially we had planned on staying closer to the Carlsbad Caverns, but since dogs aren’t allowed, we decided to move on to Carlsbad, where we booked a campsite.
We arrived at the campsite in the afternoon. This is unfortunately a place that I cannot recommend. There was nobody at the office, nobody answered the phone, there was no note of where we should park, etc. All in all, it took us a while to finally get a hold of the park attendant and finally get settled. The campground was poorly maintained. On the way through Carlsbad, we also decided that we wouldn’t be going for any sightseeing walks in town. It just wasn’t appealing and didn’t feel friendly. Oh well, I guess there will always be places that we like more and some that we like less. We took the opportunity to do our laundry and get ready for the next day. And of course, open a nice bottle of wine.